





– 这篇文章提供了关于如何购买ChatGPT的域名和网站的指南。
– 第一部分介绍了两种购买ChatGPT的渠道,即OpenAI官方网站和国内外代购渠道。
– 第二部分介绍了如何购买ChatGPT的域名,主要是选择合适的域名注册商和搜索验证域名的可用性。




ChatGPT is a language generation model developed by OpenAI. In some cases, direct access to the ChatGPT service may be restricted due to network limitations. To overcome this, users can set up domain proxy to indirectly connect to the ChatGPT service. Domain proxy works by redirecting domain requests to a proxy server, which then forwards the requests to the actual server and returns the data to the user.

To use domain proxy with ChatGPT, users need to add the relevant ChatGPT domain names to the proxy whitelist. Some of the ChatGPT domain names include chat.openai.com, gpt-3.5-turbo.openai.com, and api.openai.com. By setting up domain proxy and adding these domains to the whitelist, users can access and use the ChatGPT service without restrictions.

The process of setting up domain proxy typically involves hosting the domains on a service like Cloudflare and using their Workers service for forwarding requests. The specific configuration steps may vary, so users should refer to the relevant documentation or resources for detailed instructions.

In summary, using domain proxy allows users to bypass network limitations and access the ChatGPT service. By setting up domain proxy and adding the relevant ChatGPT domain names to the whitelist, users can enjoy a seamless experience with ChatGPT for conversation, querying, or text generation.